Robust, No Nonsense Genetics
One of the attributes of the Fossil Creek Herd is the strong emphasis on fertility, a trait we believe to be of utmost economic relevance in the commercial arena. Temperament is a critical trait in the herd and the Fossil Creek Herd has an outstanding reputation for docile cattle.
The Fossil Creek Angus programme does not involve single trait selection. We believe in the philosophy of balanced selection of the largest number of economically relevant traits. All females are calved at 2yrs of age, with a short two cycle window of mating and are subjected to a continuous rigorous culling regime throughout their life span.

Attributes of Fossil Creek Genetics, valued by our clients:
- Highly fertile and renowned for their docility.
- Grow rapidly to above average target weights on grass.
- Utilise pasture to lay down fat cover and intramuscular fats.
- Adjust and perform in the environment they are moved to.
- Breed early maturing daughters with ability to calve year after year.
- Uncompromised on structural soundness and temperament.