Fossil Creek Angus

Passionate about Performance

Bob Johnson is passionate about his females… (the four legged kind!!). Bob manages Hazeldine, a 2500 Ha North Otago typical dry steep run block in the headwaters of the Kakanui river. Take a trip around the farm with Bob and you can’t help but be impressed by the evenness of the predominantly Angus cowherd numbering 250 quiet cows. A large herd of breeding hinds and flock of halfbred ewes are similarly managed and genetically selected with care and similar passion to the cows.

Bob has worked on an impressive number of iconic properties in his career and worked with many highly respected cattlemen. He now has the chance to stamp his mark on his own programme alongside owner John Hannan, and he is certainly doing this.

The genetics in the cowherd is predominantly Fossil Creek and stretches back at least 10 years. The strong maternal attributes and strength for the challenging environment are evident and the young heifers and first calvers are really impressive in their consistency of type and temperament.

Hazeldine calves are sold at the Waiareka sale and are highly sought after by finishers and commercial breeders seeking replacement breeding females.